" He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake." - Psalms 23:3
God is something else! Even though my week started out with plenty of trials and tribulations, I must say that once again God has shown himself mighty. In my prayer time, I began to cry out to the Lord confessing that no matter what, I will faithfully serve Him. I also began to ask God to relieve me from the constant attack of the enemy. God is faithful! He reassured me that He is in control of my life, that He has allowed these trials to enter my life, and He will see me through. God even said, "You can handle it because I AM performing this work in you." I wanted to stomp my feet and pout like a spoiled child who wasn't getting her way.
God would not have any of that. Instead of giving me the answer I wanted, Jesus gave me the answer I needed. He directed me to turn to the word and stand ( to believe and follow the word without doubting) . There is power in the word of God; the Bible says that the word is truth and life. In obedience I turned to the verses the Holy Spirit led me to and began to read. The more I read, I began to feel better. In an instant, my struggles seemed so light, and I began to get revelation of God's perspective of my trials. My problems didn't disappear, my attitude did!
God allows us to go through trials for a purpose. He doesn't always reveal his purpose to us while we are in the middle of it all. But He does lead His precious sheep in the way that we should go. God knew that these trials are necessary to grow me into the person He wants me to be and to bring about His divine, perfect will and plan for my life. Our Heavenly Father also knows that we can't handle life alone; He never meant for us to live without leaning on Him. I had been praying all week, both asking God questions and listening for His answers. But sometimes God just wants us to find comfort in the power of His living word.
As a result of following the Lord's lead to turn my heart and mind toward the power of His word, I see my situation from a different perspective. I don't know all the answers, but I know that God is working it out for my good. I trust His wisdom and love for me, and these trials are nothing compared to the suffering Jesus endured to restore me to the Kingdom of God. I found comfort in the word of God, and the Lord is leading me down His path which is right for me and I know that God is being glorified to someone who needs to experience the love of God walked out in my life! What an honor to be used by God in the kingdom building work!
- Thank God for the restoring power of His word.
- Ask God to lead you through areas of your life that you are struggling with.
- Ask God to show you His perspective.
- Praise God for His infinite wisdom.
- Thank God for protecting your spirit when your flesh wants to rebel.
- Ask God to reveal His righteousness and not your own will.
- Thank God for choosing to make you into a vessel of honor.
You have been chosen because God thinks highly of you. You qualify to carry the work of the kingdom as your Heavenly Father directs you. The Bible says count it all joy when you are hated and persecuted for God's sake. It is awesome that God loves and trusts us enough to use us even when we doubt that we can do what He requires!
Be Blessed!
This lesson I continue to learn everyday. There are times I get upset when things don't go my way, but I have to remember to let God guide me and do what he needs me to do and not just what I want.