Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 4 - Prayer Journal: Faith

"And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. " - James 5:15

A couple of days ago, my vehicle was involved in an accident. It was parked in what is considered a safe place. A stranger hit my vehicle and left without so much as a note. When I reached my vehicle I suspected something wasn't right, but I wasn't sure. I suddenly found a note from a pollice officer indicating that I had been involved in a hit and run and should inspect my vehicle for damages immediately. I did just that and found several "cosmetic" bruises. I didn't get excited; I didn't get angry; I didn't panic; I didn't curse - that is what the old me would have done. I did the right thing by reporting it to the proper authorities and filed a report. The police actually informed me that they had an eye witness who had called them and reported it.
What an amazing God? Even when we don't see what is going on behind the scenes, He does and He takes care of us.

Many times we face challenges in life, and we fret or question God, why us? Other times we just lack the faith to trust that in the midst of it all, God will take care of our circumstances no matter what or how far gone things may seem.

  • What makes you sick (physically, emotionally, or spiritually)?
  • Are there any sins that you struggle with that hinder your prayers?
  • How do you react in a crisis?
  • In your prayer journal, confess any shortcomings when it comes to believing God at His word. Ask God to increase your faith in areas pertinent to you. Pray for healing, if not for you, a family member, a friend, perhaps a stranger.


God sees it all!

Be Blessed!


  1. It's funny how god works in mysterious ways its only the lord had someone watching over your vehicle to see this unconsecrated person leaving away without anything being done on your behalf. Thanks for the food for the mind once I read your blog for the day I always go back and try to evaluate my sort comings so that I can get to the place that I want to be with our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

    #1 Mom

  2. God amazes me everyday! I wait like a little child on Christmas to see what new mind-blowing thing He will do each day. I know what you mean; I examine myself to check my motives and actions so that God can be glorified through my life.
