Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day 16 - Prayer Journal: Think Twice

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things." - Philippians 4:8

This morning while I was on my to class, a thousand thoughts flooded my mind. I thought about the never-ending to-do list, my children who are out of my reach, my pending reading, a missed entry in the blog, and the fact that my life is spiraling out of my control. I drove down the highway, numb to my surroundings because I was focused on too many things. All of a sudden I felt a warm ray of sunshine beaming down on my arm and across my face. It was as if God had tapped me on the shoulder. I instantly cleared my mind of its senseless worries and other garbage that tried to weigh me down. I began to praise God for my life, my loved ones, my job, my health, my mind, His strength, the Blood of Jesus, peace, His plan and purpose for my life, and the good news that He is bringing to pass in my life as I speak.

After my prayer time, I had to laugh. God had to stop me in my tracks because He didn't want the enemy to get a stronghold on my day. You see, the enemy creeps into our thoughts; we play around with these vain imaginations in our minds; if we are not careful to cast down those thoughts we end of acting and speaking contrary to the word and will of God. God wants us to be conscious of our thought life. Our thought life manifests into our spoken lives and our active lives.

  • Ask God to place His words over your situations and relationships into your mouth.
  • Pray for revelation to the kinds of stinking thinking that passes through your mind from a deceptive heart or the enemy's sly suggestions.
  • Thank God for the truth of His word and not the lie or the appearance of circumstances.
  • Seek God for the good in the midst of the storm.
  • Ask God to help you speak thoughts of love, encouragement, prosperity, and salvation over the people under your tent of influence.
  • Praise God for a sound mind and memorize one new scripture that addresses a situation you are facing or recently overcame.


The Bible tells us to have the mind of Christ. Jesus said He only spoke and did what He heard and saw the Father say and do. So we, too, should speak the word, think the word, and do the word.

Be Blessed.

Day 15 - Prayer Journal: Beyond Comrprehension

"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:7

Some things just don't make sense. For example, why do people ride around with their babies in the car but not secured in car seats and seat belts? Probably because they don't worry about being involved in an accident. This doesn't make sense to people who know better or to those who have had children involved in a car accident or worse to women who long to have a child that they wish they could secure and protect. There are plenty of natural things that just don't make any sense to the rational mind.

Similarly, when you come to know the Lord, Jesus, and you learn how much He loves and protects you; then, you cannot imagine trying to live your life without Him. I have always admired a spiritual mentor who despite attacks of the enemy, life's disappointments, and more than her share of heart breaks still smiles, still hopes, still loves, still forgives, and still trusts God. Once I asked her how she stayed so positive, so faithful. She told me that she wasn't always happy, but she always has peace. At the time I was not walking with the Lord and could not comprehend why she didn't kick some butt just once especially when her enemies deserved it. She laughed and told me that she had the peace of Christ and that she was confident that God knew her situation, knew how she felt, but more importantly, knew how He planned to deliver her. That awed me then and still does.

Now that I truly know the Lord and understand His faithfulness no matter how bleak things seem, I understand what was incomprehensible to my sinful mind. When you walk with God, you see things that others don't see. You understand that God is real, His word is true, and HE is faithful, end of story. When people are lost and under the bondage of sin, it doesn't make sense to them. They wonder how you can go through all that you have been through and not act like they would if they were in your shoes. Sometimes they think that you are weak or stupid or blind or other names they call you behind your back or if they are bold, to your face. But they can't figure out because the Bible says that some things are spiritually discerned. That means that they don't understand how you can be at peace because their flesh is tormented with worry or depression or fear.

  • Pray for God to give you peace in the midst of your situation.
  • Thank God for securing your heart and mind through your belief in Jesus.
  • Ask Jesus to give peace to those you know that need some.
  • Pray for revelation on times that you forget to rest in the peace of God and resort to worrying.


No matter how the enemy treats you, know that God is your peace and He will sustain your mind when the enemy attacks you trying to make you believe God has forsaken you.

Be Blessed!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day 14 - Prayer Journal: Share the Love

"Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people." - 1 Chronicles 16:8

Many people have terrible habits; one I loathe is gossiping. It amazes me how people, even Christians, spread news of death and destruction. Some even say that they are just "sharing so you will know how to pray." Do they not realize that is the job of the Holy Spirit to give us what to pray for even when we don't know how or what? What they are really doing is spreading the enemy's lies. Instead of spreading the news of a loving Savior who is seeking a relationship, they enjoy telling you about broken relationships, divorce, abortions, addictions, and other heart breaking news. We are called to be a witness of the goodness of the Lord to people who feel like they have no hope.

I confess I have an unusual habit; I eavesdrop on other people's conversations, only in public places like restaurants. It's not that I am nosey, but I like to hear what other people are talking about because it makes for interesting things to write about. Sometimes, my eavesdropping, has led me into opportunities to witness to couples sitting at a neighboring table. But the thing I don't do enough is thank God. Yes, I thank Him every morning for just being God, for salvation, for blessings, for peace, for health, and for every little thing I misplace that He reveals to me before I get stressed out. But I don't always stop in the middle of work or school or eating or living, just to thank God for being God. The Bible tells us to give thanks, then call on the Lord, and then to tell somebody who God is and what He has done for you.

Often we get the part of the scripture that says "Call on God." We ask Him for way too much sometimes, but I need to work more on giving thanks and then telling somebody. Just today a dear sister called me to share how the Lord had confirmed the prayer journal entries with a message that she heard today. That is what God expects us to do. We shouldn't just pray or even give thanks, but we should stand up and be a witness. God wants to do the same thing for others that He does for us, but many of His children are lost and don't know His plan for them. That is why it is important for us to spread the love.

  • Pray a prayer of thanks to God just because He is God.
  • Ask God to reveal to you people who you need to witness to.
  • Seek God for the strength and courage to witness to a stranger or to someone who intimidates you or someone you may have assumed wouldn't receive a word from you.
  • Ask God to give you more opportunities to tell someone your testimony or something God has done as a result of this prayer journal. (It is a good way to share the challenge.)
  • Thank God for the person who stepped out in faith and began to tell you about what Jesus did for them. (You don't know how the enemy probably attacked them after reaching out to you.)
  • Praise God for the word of God and His instructions for our lives.


God is worthy of all praise and honor. We give all glory to God for the things He has done in our lives and in the lives of our loved ones.

Be blessed!

Day 13 - Prayer Journal: Strength

"The LORD [is] my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, [and] my high tower." - Psalm 18:2

Yesterday, I dropped my darling daughter off to college. It was indeed a bittersweet moment. As I drove onto campus, it seemed different than the Alma mater that I have come to love. GSU has fancy new housing, renovations galore, and innumerable opportunities. But those weren't the things that stood out to me. I looked for the emergency call boxes spread throughout the walk paths, the fire escape - just in case, the proximity of my daughter's dorm to the guy dorms, and the distance to campus security. Don't get me wrong I love Gram, but this is my first born that we are talking about and I just can't assume the university where everybody is somebody has built a safe haven for my kid. Funny how that didn't matter when I was a freshman!

After getting her settled in and giving her the "be careful" lecture, I had to laugh at my departing words. Simultaneously, my dad and I exclaimed, "Don't forget to go to church tomorrow." I know the lock on her door is secure; there are multiple exits just in case, she is half a block from the police station, and the guys that passed me on her sidewalk spoke and said, "Yes, ma'am." But Jesus is my strong tower. I know He has His hands on my child, and my confidence is in the Lord. Isn't it a blessing to know that no matter what the conditions, our trust is in God?
We can count on God and fully rely on Him in every situation. There may be times when you are tempted to worry or to wonder, but instead know God is your fortress. He is the only indestructable force that the pressures of life nor the gates of hell can penetrate.

  • Thank God for His dependability.
  • Ask the Lord to show you areas where you "forget" to look to Him as your deliver.
  • Pray for God's strength and deliverance for someone who needs it other than you.
  • Place every situation and relation that seems out of your control in God's hands.


Look to God as your source and not at your resources!

Be blessed.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 12 - Prayer Journal: Excellence

"Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit [was] in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm." - Daniel 6:3

This week in my writing group we discussed excellence; we shared things that we thought were excellent and we pointed out how you can tell if something or someone is excellent. It was inteteresting to hear different perspectives of what people see as excellence. We were then asked to write about our definitions of excellence. One of the definitions that came up was "something that is superior to everything around it"; even at our best description, what we think of as excellent pales in comparison to how God sees excellence.

The Bible tells us about Daniel, in whom was found an excellent spirit, and how he was elevated because "an excellent spirit" was found in him. I asked God what did that mean. The Lord revealed that Daniel was different from everyone else the king had come in contact with. Not only was he able to interpret the king's hard dreams like no one else throughout the region, but also this was the same Daniel that had refused to eat from the king's table because he knew that did not fit with the diet in God's plan for his life. Daniel found favor from the king because his life was marked by excellence. He did not conform to the world in which he lived, but instead he lived according to the spirit that was found within him. We know that Daniel sought the Lord and was continually led by the spirit of God, that was his secret weapon, He let the spirit of God lead and guide him, and others recognized that as excellence.

When you have a spirit of excellence, the world takes notice. A person who walks in excellence does not do the ordinary, but instead they go above and beyond what others are willing to do or what others feel like doing. When God first begin to reveal this to me, He showed me little areas that required that I operate with a spirit of excellence.

Once I was at work and asked by a co-worker to sign and pre-date a document that stated that I had done a particular job. I had not yet done the job because the date had not yet come. My co-worker asked me to sign and date the paper because she felt that I would do the job as required when the date came. Still I refused, in my spirit, I felt a slight nudge to not sign and date the paper because I had not done the job and would actually be lying by signing before hand because my signature and date indicated that the job had been done as asked. This would not have been true on an earlier date. When I shared that Christ would not want me to do this with my co-worker, who seemed a little agitated by my response, others who had already signed felt guilty. Some even asked for a new copy so that they could wait to do the right thing. My co-worker assured them that it was okay and said she understood how I felt. Now my co-worker proclaims to be a Christian, and I am not questioning her relationship nor am I judging her decision to operate in the manner she did. I just know that the spirit within me required me to work with excellence.

The mark of a Christian is supposed to be a life of excellence. God has put us in the valley of life so that others can experience Him through the excellence that dwells within us. Living with a spirit of integrity and excellence is evidence of holiness, which without no man will see God. Even when others don't do the right thing or things seem too trivial to matter, let the spirit of excellence rise out of you. Whether other Christians think it's okay or try to get away with lying, stealing, or other things that compromise the spirit of God, don't fall to the attack of the enemy. Others may be watching you to know the right thing to do. Be the Christian who is noticed and promoted because an excellent spirit is found within you.


  • Ask God to forgive you in areas where you have compromised to go along and get along.
  • Pray for a spirit of excellence to be found in you.
  • Seek God to reveal when you are being tempted or tested to permit sins that conflict with God's spirit. (Trust the Holy Spirit when you hear that little voice that says this is wrong.)
  • Thank God for the favor that He has placed in your life because of the spirit of excellence.
  • Trust God to reveal to others the spirit of excellence within you, and to promote you because of it.


Don't let the enemy lie to you and tell you that compromise is a "little" sin or "little lie"; God sees sin as sin. There are no sections in hell for the little sinners and the big sinners; the lake of fire is reserved for sinners, period.

Another tactic of the devil is to point out to you those who lie, steal, gamble, fornicate, commit adultery or any other sin and seem to be promoted sometimes ahead of you, especially when you begin to walk in total excellence. The scripture says that God is and He is a rewarder to them that diligently seek Him. If you do what God says exactly the way He says it without compromising or making excuses, He will reward you.

Promotion is from God, not man. Some people may go up, but God and man will notice the difference in the work because excellence always rises to the top. Even if man never sees you, God is right all the time. He rains on the just and the unjust and He is the judge of us all. I would rather go through this life unrewarded, than to face God in judgment and be found guilty of promotion in sin. No matter what it looks like, YOU do the right thing!

Be Blessed!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 11 - Prayer Journal: Free Choice

"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. " - Matthew 21:22

God once asked me what could I believe Him for. I answered almost instantly, anything Lord. This was the truth I have always believed that God could do anything. But God must not have been satisfied with my answer or He wanted to teach me something about how I saw His answers to prayer because He asked me again, what can you believe me for? I answered the same thing, wondering if this were a trick question (it wasn't, God doesn't play tricks). The Lord asked me a third time. This time before I answered I said Father I must not know the answer because you continue to ask so please give me the answer so I may respond in accordance to your will.
Immediately, the answer popped into my mind. "I can believe God for everything." I asked God what was the difference between my answer and His. God showed me that in my thinking He could do anything, I implied He could do anything He wanted to do. Although this was true, it was not scriptural. Jesus said, "I stand at the door knocking, if anyone lets me in..." God wants us to cooperate with His will in order to learn about His love.
His answer, God can do everything, guarantees that I understand that God can do everything I need Him to do. Talk about a big difference, I did not realize the limitations that I had mentally placed on God. I now understand that God can do anything, but HE loves me enough to do everything I need. This is true for all of God's children, because He doesn't play favorites.

There are so many privileges that come from loving and serving the King of Kings, Jesus. Sometimes I am amazed at how much God loves us and trusts us. God is the ultimate Father; even though He knows our weaknesses, He also knows our strengths. When God created man, He said, "Let us make man in our image." One of the things that included was the power to choose. God loves and trusts us and He expects us to love and trust Him. That is one of the reasons He gave us free will.

So today's prayer journal entry is "Free Choice". The Bible tells us that what you believe God for when you ask God for it in prayer (in line to His holiness, His word, and His will of course); then, He will grant it. This qualifies for whatever secret things are in your heart or obvious situations and relationships that need an immediate fix. If you can believe God for it, then ask Him to do it.

If you don't know what to pray or how to believe God for the impossible and unexpected, then ask Him to show you the way!

Be Blessed.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 10 - Prayer Journal - Already Blessed


"Blessed [shalt] thou [be] in the city, and blessed [shalt] thou [be] in the field." - Deuteronomy 28:3

About a month ago a friend made a commitment to give me something that I had asked for quite some time ago. I was ecstatic to put it mildly. I was getting what I wanted and all seemed right in my world. However, I found out this week that things did not go as planned and that my friend's promise would be altered but not denied. I didn't know whether to be disappointed or not. I really felt neutral because since I was getting a form of what I had requested, I didn't think I had any right to feel disappointed. Even though my wishes were being granted just not the way I had intended, I knew things could be better but still I should rejoice.

  • Are you obeying the voice of God in every area of your life?
  • What areas do you find yourself struggling to hear or obey what God says about your life?
  • Pray to ask God to show you how to hear from Him.
  • Ask God for revelation to show you how you are blessed right in the situation you are in.
  • Pray for God to strengthen and keep you while you are on your way to where He's taking you.
  • Thank God for blessing you in your current circumstance or relationship, even if you don't feel or see it.


The Bible says all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord. You may not see the physical manifestation of the blessing but know that God has worked it out and it shall manifest before your very eyes. Jesus already declared, "It is finished!"

Be Blessed.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 9 - Prayer Journal: Power Words

"Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." - Proverbs 18:21

A friend and I were talking about how words are used have changed in the past ten years. For instance, we shared how kids use the word ghetto ( a place; noun) to describe things like an adjective. When something is bad to young people, they say, "That ________ is so ghetto."
Another word they use to describe something they dislike is "gay". Today I heard someone say rainbows are so "gay"; I asked her to explain. She told me how she hates rainbows and thinks they are so pointless. I was stunned; I think rainbows are fabulous, after all God said rainbows are a sign of His promises being fulfilled. How could someone think rainbows are "gay" / bad?

It is amazing how different people use the very words that we use but mean totally different ways. Often we take our words for granted. We say things without realizing their true meaning. I went to a celebration to honor a close friend. As people gave wishes of congratulations, many of them began their comment with how they loved the honoree to "death"; now I know they didn't mean ill wishes toward the person. They just didn't realize how powerful those words were. One after another repeated the same phrase, while they made these statements I began to pray against the spirit of death and rebuke the deceiving spirit that filled these people's lips.

Words have power. God created a whole word just by speaking it into existence. When God said, Let there be..., everything appeared exactly the way he said it. It happen by what God thought; it came to be by what He said. God gave us that same power. According to scripture, He said that our power to create life or death is through our words. When we tell our loved ones negative words, we begin to create that kind of life over them or we send death to the person God created them to be.

  • What wrong words have you spoken over your life? into the lives of your loved ones?
  • What phrases do you repeatedly say not meaning any harm, but they are contrary to what God says?
  • The Bible tells us to speak those things which are not, as though they are. Find a scripture that speaks what God says about your situation, relationship, or circumstance.
  • Ask God to put His words in your mouth and speak the word of God rather than praying the problem.
  • Challenge - tomorrow, speak a word of encouragement or a word of praise into the life of (1) a loved one (2) a friend (3) a stranger
  • Record what God reveals to you about the person and yourself as a result of the challenge.


You have the power to turn situations into how God sees them! Jesus said He came that we would have an abundant life! Speak life, not death. Sorry the post is so late; I had a lot of errands.

Be Blessed.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 8 - Prayer Journal: Intercession

"Confess [your] faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." - James 5:16

When my kids were much younger, they often got a chance to hitch a ride to the store or to come along on errands. As we would make our way down the aisles of the store, one of my children would ask for a treat for herself. I most certainly obliged because this was my child and I love her. Seldom did she ever volunteer to make a purchase for anyone else nor did she ever suggest paying for something for me. Nevertheless, as a parent I enjoyed being able to meet her simple request on occasion.

Whenever it was my other child's turn to tag along, the most amazing thing any parent could witness occurred. He, too, would request some type of treat, but instead of selfishly seeking his own blessing he would ask for something for he and his sister. Not ever in our escapades would this child seek something from me without inquiring on his sister's behalf. Sometimes he even offered to pay for "their" treats and usually suggested that I get something for me too. This behavior was always peculiar to me because whenever I asked his sister why she never asked for anything for her brother she replied, "He should have come. I am getting something for me, besides I don't know what he wants!" (Sounds like what we say to God when he nudges us to pray for our enemies.) I must confess I was disappointed; I even suggested that my son get wiser by treating his sister the way she treated him. He refused; he told me that he didn't mind getting stuff for her even though she never did anything nice for him and he said, "Momma, it is the right thing to do!"

Imagine my embarrassment. My young child understood what many of us miss. We often go to God for ourselves; yes, we seek him for our needs, our spouses, our children, our family members, our jobs, our churches, our friends, and everything else that we see as part of us. But how often do we seek Him for someone else or more importantly for someone who has mistreated us, who would never pray on our behalf. Well, guess what? Jesus did; when we were terribly unfit Jesus asked the Father to forgive us for we didn't know what we were doing. That is some kind of love, mercy, and grace. that is one of the reasons God said Jesus was His beloved son, the one who He was well pleased with. The scripture says we get our healing / blessings when we pray for someone else. Wouldn't it be awesome for God to call you His beloved child because you are unselfish and He often found you caring for others who don't deserve it?

  • Ask God to reveal people or situations you need to add to "your" prayer list.
  • Intercede (pray for) some one who has mistreated or hurt you. Ask God to touch that person's heart and to save him or her. Don't pray a prayer of revenge because God said vengeance is His and He is a God of love (He pays them back by saving them which causes them to repent to Him every evil thing that they have done, including what they did to you.)
  • Intercede for people you should be praying for but sometimes don't or those you have a difficult time consistently praying for.
  • Ask God to show you how to pray for others before seeking your own needs.
  • Reflect on people or situations in which other people may have interceded on your behalf.
  • Thank God for using you as an intercessor. and ask Him to show you the power of intercession.


None of us deserved grace, but God gives us new mercies every day. Learn to focus on what is on God's heart and he will focus on what is on your heart.

Be Blessed!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 7 - Prayer Journal: Wisdom Keys


"Wisdom [is] the principal thing; [therefore] get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding." - Proverbs 4:7

For years, I have thought about my desire to achieve my "bucket" dreams, things I want to do before I kick the bucket. I have plenty of everyday dreams and goals, but some of my bucket dreams include my dream of publishing my book, opening a group home, and adopting a child. These may be simple things for some people. Many people in the world have already achieved these things, but they are my God-sized dreams, things I need God to breathe life into so that they happen and are a blessing to not only me but to the people whose lives will be forever changed by the desires God has put in my heart.

Life is full of many opportunities, and there are so many dreams and goals that we hope to fulfill. Some of our desires are simple things that are within our reach. Others are much bigger than us. These are the God-sized dreams that God has planted in our hearts so that we must lean on Him in order to fulfill them and succeed. Too often people leave their dreams on the shelves of their hearts because they believe that life has passed them by or they think that they don't have what it takes to achieve what they really want. But God wants us to dream, and dream big, much bigger than anything you can do. If we only believe in the things that we can do, we leave no room for God to do the miraculous in our lives.

  • What dreams did you have when you were younger or when your situation seemed more feasible?
  • What dreams have gone unfulfilled in your life? What things have you desired but believe it is too late to achieve?
  • What are your God-given dreams? What things seem almost impossible for you to accomplish and would take God in order to do them?
  • Seek God for the God-sized dreams that He has for you.
  • Ask God to give you wisdom in every area of your life, especially in the area of life goals and dreams that are yet to be fulfilled.
  • Record any ideas that God reveals to you about things that God has placed in your heart to do or to be.
  • Pray for God to send the right people into your life who are connected to His plan for your life.


Today is Father's Day, don't forget to lift up the men in your life, whether they are fathers or not. Ask God to give you the wisdom in dealing with the men in your life, husbands, fathers, brothers, uncles, ex-whatevers. Watch God change things in that area !

Be Blessed!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 6 - Prayer Journal: Pardon Me


"And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. " - Luke 11:4

A week ago, I spent the day at the lake with some friends. Three of them climbed into an empty boat and navigated the waters heading south. As they rowed the boat, seeking adventure, three fish jumped into the tiny boat, while water splashed along for the ride. My adventure seeking friends captured the fish and some of the water from the lake and put them in a ziploc bag. After they returned to the dock, one of the guys showed all of those who had stayed on land his catch for the day. When I asked him what he planned to do with the innocent creatures, Wes told me that he was going to release the fish back into the water. I was surprised; I had assumed that he would have kept them as a souvenir or added them to his daughter's fishbowl. Another friend asked him why he was letting them go. Wes shared that the tiny fish were helpless and defenseless against him; he reminded us that the fish had only done what they knew to do, but he had the power to choose to free them in spite of the fact that they had made a wrong choice by landing in the boat.

That made me think about how Jesus treats us. Even when we make the wrong choices, He has the power to free us by forgiving us. We, in turn, have the ability to be Christ-like when we act as Wes did. We must choose to free others who make the wrong choices and land in conflict or hurtful situations toward us. The scripture says that we are forgiven with the same measure we forgive others. It doesn't depend on whether or not people deserve forgiveness or not, whether they are sorry and ask for forgiveness or not, we must choose to forgive because Jesus loves and forgives us.


  • In your journal, ask God to forgive you for any wrong actions or thoughts that you may have or had in the past that you may have forgotten to repent.
  • After yesterday's journal, you may have discovered areas that your heart had deceived you. Things you once saw one way may be clearer to you today or you may have realized that you were wrong in thinking certain things. Either way, if God revealed beliefs that you once had that you realize now you were wrong, pray for forgiveness.
  • Have you believed things about someone else because your heart led you to wicked thinking? Write a prayer of asking for forgiveness.
  • Are there people who actually wronged or hurt you and are in need of your forgiveness? Write a prayer asking God to strengthen you to release them from wounded thinking /feelings and choose to forgive them, even if they don't really know or deserve it.
  • Pray and ask God to deliver you from the temptation to treat people the way they may deserve to be treated and instead ask Him for the power to treat them the way He would.

You may not realize how empowering forgiveness really is. Most people that hurt you either don't remember or were not walking with Jesus so they only did what sinners know how to do - the wrong thing! People who have not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour are blinded to the love of God. That means they don't know how to really love you the way God does. So you may have been placed in their path to show them how God loves people in spite of whether they deserve it or not. We know they need to be forgiven and loved because that is what each of us discovered we need from Jesus. Plus, the Bible says it is more of a blessing to give rather than to receive. So go ahead and get your blessing!


You can pray or write any way the Lord leads you. If you don't think there is anything that you need to forgive or be forgiven for, just ask God to reveal how He sees things and see what He answers.

I am so blessed to find out how many of you have shared the prayer journal challenge with others, that is love in action.

If any of you are confused about the prayer journal days, let me explain. One night when I attempted to post the website was down by the company so I was unable to post a journal. I simply choose to make it up the following day, and to not confuse you I did not post two. If you journaled on your own on that day, then today is your day 7. If you stayed with my format, today is your day 6. Either way is okay, God knows what we have need of and whatever He led you to do is fine with me.

Some one asked why I called it a challenge; I felt the Lord was leading us to challenge ourselves in prayer. I believe that these journal entries are stretching our prayer lives, our thinking, our fellowship or witness to others, and many blessings that God has yet to reveal. It is not a competition but a personal intimate prayer experience with you and God. I only ask that if you have praise reports please share them so others' faith may be stirred because some of our participants are new to waiting on God.

Be Blessed!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 5- Prayer Journal: Matters of the Heart

"Create in me a clean heart, Oh God; and renew a right spirit within me." - Psalm 51:10

I absolutely love chocolate, Coke, mochas, and latte. Can we say I am obsessed with caffeine? I know that females should not have excess levels of caffeine because it is simply unhealthy. But that doesn't stop us from craving things we shouldn't. Why do we think that we must have things that we really shouldn't? It is a heart thing!

Many people believe that the heart is the most important organ in the human body. But it is the most dangerous, too. If your heart is not functioning properly, your life is in danger. It is central to your existence. Just like your physical heart is the central hub for life, and it must pump blood efficiently throughout the body in order for you to survive, our spiritual hearts are the control centers of our lives. In Jeremiah 17:9 says, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Our hearts are deceivers. Our hearts hold on to things that it shouldn't and we don't even realize it. It seems strange that the scripture says we don't know our own hearts. But it is such a deceiver that often it fools even us. Isn't that amazing? But God is a discerner of the heart, only He knows what is in our hearts. I used to think that my mind was the playground for deception. But the Bible says that it is our hearts that deceive above all things; our hearts filter our experiences, feelings, and knowledge to devise a wicked scheme for us to carry out instead of God's plan. For example, when someone you trust or care about betrays you for the first time in that relationship, our hearts process the fact that we are in a loving or trusting relationship with that person, that something they did or said made us feel angry or sad, so the heart decides that we can no longer trust that person or it convinces our mind to not let ourselves love or get as close to that person or other people in order to protect us from experiencing that situation again. Makes sense doesn't it? Except God says that we should not let the sun go down on our angry reaction and Jesus tells us to forgive others so that our heavenly Father can forgive us in the same way. See what I mean, the heart wants you to respond with a behavior that disobeys God. Isn't that wicked?

  • In your journal, ask God to show you areas where your heart deceived you and convinced you to act contrary to God's will. What lies have you believed because your heart (instincts) told you something was true? What assumptions have your heart formed about people you love and trust? (Your heart is a liar and cannot read someone else's heart.)
  • Pray for God to create a clean heart in you and to show you every time your heart seeks to trick you into accepting anything contrary to the word of God.
  • Ask God to give you His heart, so that what God loves you will begin to love (His priorities become your priorities). Record the revelation He gives you about what is on His heart!


Thank you God for my prayer journal challenge sisters. I love and adore you, Jesus. Thank you for the praise reports that keep coming our way. We honor and worship you for who you are. May you continue to be gloriried in our lives and throughout the earth. Amen.

Be Blessed!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 4 - Prayer Journal: Faith

"And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. " - James 5:15

A couple of days ago, my vehicle was involved in an accident. It was parked in what is considered a safe place. A stranger hit my vehicle and left without so much as a note. When I reached my vehicle I suspected something wasn't right, but I wasn't sure. I suddenly found a note from a pollice officer indicating that I had been involved in a hit and run and should inspect my vehicle for damages immediately. I did just that and found several "cosmetic" bruises. I didn't get excited; I didn't get angry; I didn't panic; I didn't curse - that is what the old me would have done. I did the right thing by reporting it to the proper authorities and filed a report. The police actually informed me that they had an eye witness who had called them and reported it.
What an amazing God? Even when we don't see what is going on behind the scenes, He does and He takes care of us.

Many times we face challenges in life, and we fret or question God, why us? Other times we just lack the faith to trust that in the midst of it all, God will take care of our circumstances no matter what or how far gone things may seem.

  • What makes you sick (physically, emotionally, or spiritually)?
  • Are there any sins that you struggle with that hinder your prayers?
  • How do you react in a crisis?
  • In your prayer journal, confess any shortcomings when it comes to believing God at His word. Ask God to increase your faith in areas pertinent to you. Pray for healing, if not for you, a family member, a friend, perhaps a stranger.


God sees it all!

Be Blessed!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day 3 - Prayer Journal: Godly Intentions

"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven." - Matthew 6:10

There are so many things that I want in life. I don't necessarily mean things, but my goals and dreams wait to be fulfilled. Sometimes I find myself asking God to open doors or provide opportunities for me to achieve my heart's desires. Thank God, He knows what's best for me, and He only permits the things that I need. But there have been times when the Lord allowed me to have my own way; most of these taught me that I am not as smart as I think I am. Many times what I wanted cost me more than I bargained for. So now, I have learned to not demand my own way or to avoid asking God for my whims and wishes.

  • What things do you ask God for that may not be in His plan for you?
  • When do you make decisions or act on things before praying about them?
  • In your journal, ask God for His will in your life. Write about the areas that challenge you to act without prayer. Seek God for times He answered with His will instead of yours and thank Him.


Record in your journal your successes and failures since starting the prayer journal challenge. Ask God to strengthen you through this process. Don't forget to write any blessings and answers that God may have already provided.


Many of you have shared that you have been targeted and attacked by the enemy since starting the prayer journal challenge. The Bible tells us to rejoice and be glad when you are persecuted for God's name sake. The devil is trying to ambush you because he senses that you are serious about your prayer life, and he believes that God will honor your prayer with bountiful blessings. The devil knows the word of God is true! Know that you are not alone. Yesterday and the day before was hard because your adversary wants you to get frustrated and quit. But Jesus is seated at the right hand of the throne of God making intercession for you. You will be victorious because Jesus already declared, "It is finished!"

Please share your words of wisdom in the comments section.

Be Blessed!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 2 - Prayer Journal: Push!

"Pray without ceasing." -1 Thessalonians 5:17

Have you ever wanted something so badly that you refused to give up or let go? There are some things that pull so strongly on our hearts that we just can't let go. Remember the woman with the issue of blood. (Matthew 9:20) This woman had suffered with the same issue or disease for twelve years. I am sure that this had to be a strain, uncomfortable, and discouraging. Yet, she did not see herself or her situation as hopeless. How do we know? The scripture says that she pushed her way through from the back of the crowd to where Jesus was until she was able to touch the hem of his clothing. Immediately, she was healed. After twelve long years, God answered her prayer in an instant.

Talk about perserverance. Nothing was going to stop her from getting her breakthrough. Twelve years is a long time to believe that God can and will fix your issues. But still she believed, and she acted on her faith. The Bible does not tell us, but I am sure that this woman had been asking God to heal her, to fix her problem, or to move it altogether. Who just lives happily with their issues? I know I don't. Sometimes I am guilty of murmuring and complaining. But instead of throwing up our hands, we must continue in prayer.

Focus :
  • What issues have you been struggling with for a while?
  • What prayers have you given up on because it seems like God would never answer?
  • What things do you keep asking God to move on and refuse to give up?
  • Submit them to God in prayer. Write down things that you need God to increase your faith in order to keep believing Him at His word. Find a scripture that speaks to something you have prayed about for a long time to bring the word of God to His remembrance (as He commands us to do).


Include any other things that come to mind while you write in your prayer journal. Reflect on yesterday's prayer, if God revealed anything about those prayers to you today, write about that revelation (it could be a conversation, a Bible verse, something on t.v.,) Look for the impossible and the unexpected!

Be Blessed!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 1 - Prayer Journal: Gratitude

"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." - Phillipians 4:6

I recently came across a bumper sticker that read, "God is my co-pilot." I know the owner probably meant well, but I don't ever want God to be my co-pilot; I need Him to be the pilot. A co-pilot is trained to take over the plane when the pilot is unable to. Pilots are always on duty and are equipped to handle the stress and the load of the plane. If we ask God to be our co-pilots, then we move Him to 2nd in command. He can only step in once we are no longer able to handle the load. But when God is the pilot, HE, alone is constantly responsible and capable of carrying the load. Even if the load is heavy or the passengers are in danger or distressed, the pilot does not panic because He is able to bear the heavy load brought on by his passengers.

It is so easy to become anxious over the issues of life, but the Bible instructs us to submit every care in the world to God in prayer by giving thanks to God. The wonderful thing about being a child of the King is that He wants you to seek Him in prayer.

What things worry you? Think about the things that pull at your heart strings. Jesus loves us so much, and He wants to meet your every need.

Focus assignment:
  • In your prayer journal, record a list of things that you normally worry about or things that you want God to handle. Don't hold back, even the smallest thing to you is important to the Lord. Add any people or situations that are on your mind.
  • After you write your prayer requests, begin to write a letter of thanksgiving to God. Tell God all of the things that you are grateful for, whether they are material, physical, spiritual, or emotional, give God thanks. Notice how much God has provided and intervened on your behalf.

Remember - You may add other things that God reveals to you to your prayer journal. If you are uncomfortable writing in the suggested format, adapt the form to what you feel led.

Be blessed!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Prayer Journal Challenge

Many of you have asked for the specifics of the 30 -Day Prayer Journal Challenge. Here are the specifics:
  • get a journal and a pen, pencil, computer, or whatever tool you prefer to use when writing
  • write the date and time for each entry (this reveals your prayer patterns)
  • you will receive a daily scripture and prayer focus;you may choose to copy them into your journal and respond with your thoughts, feelings, questions that first come to your mind.

(I have found that our first thoughts are our most powerful, and they are filled with revelation. Don't worry about spelling, correct sentences, scratching out. You are not in school and God will not be giving you a grade ;)

  • after your daily response, write down your personal prayers, requests, questions, feelings, struggles, and whatever else you think you need to write down. Be honest with your prayer journal, it is your prayer partner.
  • Write in any style you feel comfortable with, letters, lists, poems, or whatever. Don't correct your entries; most of what we write down from our first mind is usually a transparent look at what is really in our hearts.
  • Next, record any revelations, dreams, observations, messages, or any way God speaks to you or answers prayers even if they are answers to prayers that you prayed before starting the challenge. Consider even the smallest things that God shows you because sometimes He does tiny things that we don't realize are answers to our prayers or bits of encouragement until we receive our answers. You may include parts of conversations that relate to your prayers, prayer life, answers, or things that seem spiritually relevant.

Human Factors

Let's face it, life happens. If you miss a day, don't panic and I would not recommend trying to catch up because 1st God knows your heart and 2nd prayer is often "in the moment", what you need or what speaks to your situation comes to your life at an appointed time. But remember this is my suggestion, if you feel led to make-up any entries go right on ahead. I just don't want any one to get discouraged or feel bogged down. Let the Holy Spirit lead and guide you. You may just start back up from the day that you are back in tune or on track. Whatever God and you decide, this is not a judgmental challenge. If you find that you are having trouble, please email, text, or comment on the blog so that we can lift you up in prayer and others may be going through the same thing. Know that this prayer journal challenge is like any form of relationship and worship, the enemy will not sit down and wait on the sidelines until you finish your assignment. He will try to distract you, deter you, deny you, accuse you, attack you, and offend you. Ignore him and feel free to include these experiences in your journal, not to acknowledge his presence but to bring it before God in prayer.

If you have a victory that you would like to publicly share, you may email, text, or post to the blog. We want to hear about your praise reports and thank God along with you. Even if you don't want to be specific, please acknowledge that God has done the miraculous because this will encourage others who may still be in waiting for answers or guidance and this will bless us. If others seem to be getting all the answers to their prayers, and yours seem prolonged please, don't give up! God is a God of seasons and timings. He knows when to bless you and when to grow you. Bless God as others get blessed and He will count it as seed sown and you will reap the harvest if you don't faint.

He Who Endures

I would like to have lunch or dinner with all of the members of the challenge at the end. It would be a good way to fellowship and discuss how the 30 day prayer journal challenge changed our lives, perspectives, or whatever. Even if you don't start on time, miss a few entries, or don't make it to the end, you are still invited. We will decide on a date and time closer to the end. Please come and meet an awesome group of believers and touch hearts and share your story. I believe God brings people together for a reason, even if you are one of our long-distance members and are unable to meet, we will share our fellowship online (more to come on this later).

Thursday, June 11, 2009


First, let me apologize for being MIA (missing in action). This was the first week of school, and can we say rough, overwhelming, and challenging? My heart has been on the blog, but we all know the spirit is willing when the flesh is so weak.

As many of you know, I am in class all day, four days a week. I am really growing as a writer as a result of this. On Monday, one of my writing fellows shared how she has a collection of journals that line her shelves, stack her dresser, and fill her over sized totes that go every where she goes. I had to laugh; that describes me to a tee! It feels so good to be with people who are like me and share my same quirks and idiosyncrasies. Wednesday I had an a-ha moment. When I met with my writing group, one of my favorite members shared how someone had suggested that she use a prayer journal to help her grow as a writer and spiritually. Even though I have always kept a spiritual journal, documenting prophetic words spoken into my life, revelation of prophetic words of wisdom for others and the world, scriptures that speak to me, and sermon notes from awesome lessons that I desperately needed to learn, I decided it was time for a challenge. So, I am going to do a 30 day prayer journal challenge. That means for thirty days I am going to write down my prayer requests, people who I intercede for, and God's answers to my prayers. Sometimes we need to see how much we talk to God, and other times we need to physically see that God answers our prayers since it often appears differently than we expected.

I am amazed at how well I fit in with the writing fellows. We are all different races, sexes, and spiritual orientations, but the truth is that we are the same in so many ways. We all have a passion for writing; we have been given a gift for touching others; and we all are growing and stretching into the lives God has shaped for us. We could not have chosen each other, nor could I have chosen a better writing group. But God knows exactly who He needs to bring in our lives to make us better, to teach us lessons, and to allow us to love on. Just last Saturday, I met a couple of ladies who are beautiful and powerful. Without ever saying a word, we connected in the spirit, and after bits of conversation, found our discernment correct about the sistahs God had blessed us with, each other. Though we don't have the full revelation of what God is doing, we all left knowing it was a God thing, and we wait on His perfect timing and plan! (Had to give a shout out to my SU! Sistahs)

My point is simple - we are not alone in this world. Even if you work with, live with, love, people who don't get you, know that you have a Savior who totally gets you. Jesus is so into you! According to Romans 8:15 we know that "For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. "

Isn't that awesome through accepting Jesus as your personal Savior, you have been received, you now have been adopted into the Kingdom family. So if you are lonely, and your brothers or sisters are not close to you or you are a lonely only, just call on your DADDY! Remember to lift up the family of Christ for we must truly be one body!

The challenge begins on Sunday, giving us time to get a journal and seek God's guidance in prayer. If you are interested in doing the 30 day prayer journal challenge, please post a comment. I will share my progress, uplifting scriptures, and food for thought!
Be blessed!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hot Buttons

For the past two days, I was at a conference and was unable to post like I wanted. Although I had an extraordinary time, I could not help but think about the blog. I have received so many positive comments - from those that post, send an email, text, and call to say how it spoke into their lives, so naturally I wondered what would happen if people turned to the blog and there was no fresh word. I thought about texting my post to a loyal friend who would have easily agreed to post it for me, but it just didn't seem right. I really toiled with the idea of what to do.

While standing in my hotel lobby during some precious downtime, I noticed the elevator buttons. There were several sets of buttons, each vertically aligned. As I looked at the buttons outside of the elevator, I noticed that even though the buttons appeared to be a set, there was nothing labeling them. This was a 5 star hotel, certainly everything was precisely calculated and up to standard. This puzzled me. I remember as a child when the elevator buttons were clearly labeled. The top button meant up, and the bottom button was for down. I wondered if the buttons had not been labeled because in the lobby all of the buttons have the same purpose, to go up. But when I arrived on my designated floor, the buttons outside the elevator were not marked either. When had elevator engineers stopped labeling the buttons? Was it no longer necessary to have distinguishing buttons as long as there were buttons to press?

I learned a very valuable lesson waiting on that elevator. It really doesn't matter which button I press, either would produce the effect, the arrival of a well-oiled machine that would either lift me up or bring me down depending on how I reacted once inside the elevator. I begin to laugh and thank God for that incredible revelation. There will always be hot buttons in our lives, things that arrive that will either lift us up or bring us down depending on how we react once faced with that situation. The enemy knows our hot buttons! He knows just when to press you and when to stop where you are. He has figured out what will bring you up or in his purpose take you down. Whether it is your family, your finances, your ministry, your friendships, your job, it doesn't matter he knows which hot buttons to press to get your mind off Jesus and to keep you bound to the floor you are on.

Let's face it, life happens. The scripture tells us that we are in this world but we are not from this world. That means that you will face the toils of life, but you are created by God to live a life of abundance and excellence. Jesus said that He came that you might have life and have it more abundantly. Jesus' concept of an abundant life is one where you are victorious over the circumstances of this world. Isn't that an incredible revelation? No matter what presses you or pressures you, God will work it out for your good. We all have hot buttons things that stress us out, inhibit our faith, hinder us from moving forward, but it is our responsibility to take command of the buttons. Once we get on the elevator of life, no matter which floor you are on - even if it's the ground floor, we must push another button to keep moving.

When the report says you are sick, press the faith button and speak healing. When the bank statement says broke, press in and claim your Daddy's riches. When the job says denied, push back in prayer and watch God promote you. When hell breaks loose in your spouse or children, decree the word of God over your life and theirs. You see it does not matter which button the devil presses - he intends to play in your life, it only matters how you react. You decide which direction to go next. So the next time life happens to press your hot buttons, step on in and press the buttons of prayer, faith, meditation, love, forgiveness, peace, mercy, and grace. Watch the enemy flee!

While waiting for the elevator another lady stood beside me, she didn't reach for a button. She let me press the buttons and ultimately allowed me to control where she was going. Once she noticed that I was headed to the 7th floor, she said Oh we passed my floor. She was on the 6th. Why in the world would this woman allow a someone else, let alone a complete stranger to control her destination? There will always be others who will attempt to control your destination. They may interject in your life's decisions or may be bold enough to try to press some buttons for you. But they don't know your destiny, they don't know where you are headed. So don't let their choices direct the path God has cleared for you.

Remember the buttons come in a set, they are vertically aligned. Where there is persecution, the grace button appears on top. Where there is hatred, the love button rises above. Where there is debt, the blessing button outshines. Where there is disloyalty, the forgiveness button raises the standard. As you go about your day, remember there are two buttons - Jesus or Satan. Choose prayerfully.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Now Faith

Things don't always go as planned. Today I had scheduled an appointment to meet with a potential business partner. I had spent quite a bit of time preparing for this meeting. I had reviewed my to-do list, perfected my presentation, and I was eager to settle the deal. To put it mildly, I was eager to accomplish the task that I had planned. However, things fell through. I arrived at my destination a few minutes early, and there was no sign of the person that I was supposed to meet. This did not deter nor discourage me because I took it as a gift of extra time to be fully prepared to meet my goal. After about ten minutes, I decided to call to see if the person was either running late or if some mishap had prevented her from attending at all. Sure enough, my client had run into an emergency the day before which threw off her course for today. Her plans and my plans had been interrupted by life.

Immediately, I offered to try to accommodate or reschedule our meeting. I was calm, and I was genuine. After a brief discussion, I realized that we would not be meeting this week and the truth is we may not be able to follow through with what I had planned. But it is okay. I am not upset, nor am I angry or anxious. I could have easily been offended because the lady that I was meeting had not thought to call and cancel our meeting. I could have grumbled and complained because I had seemingly wasted my time and gas. I could have been disappointed because sealing this deal would have made a difference in my life. None of those reactions would have been right because neither of them would have changed the situation and probably would have severed the ties between the client and me. Instead I choose to walk in faith. I choose to believe that God has another plan for us and when it is His will He will work it out.

That is why I was even-tempered and thankful. I began to thank God for His infinite wisdom and grace. I thanked Him for loving both of us and not allowing us to have our own way which may have interfered with His plans for us. I praise God for revealing His Divine will in our lives. The truth is that I trust God. He is faithful, and He never fails. When we make plans and they fall through, Jesus is there to redirect our paths to the course that He has set.

Hebrews 11 says "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." It is faith that creates the things that we hope for. Our faith will produce things that we cannot see at first. We are required to have now faith. That means that we can't wait until we see what God is doing or until we figure out that we really haven't missed out. No! We must have faith right now, when we don't know all the answers, when we can't see what will happen next, when we don't know why things didn't work out. We must trust that God knows everything all the time. So when He doesn't permit life to go the way we plan, we must let our faith rise above the circumstances of the moment and believe that He will work it out if we don't get faint-hearted and give up.

Take some time today to see places and people that did not work out the way that you thought they would, and pump your faith muscles by believing that you did not lose out. Know that God has a bigger plan, a better timing, and a beautiful life set for you. Walk in victory. Possess the God kind of faith that says, "Not my will, but Lord your will be done."

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Gift Exchange

I am not really sure how the concept of exchanging gifts for occasions began, but the reality of presenting people with gifts as a means of marking significant achievements and milestones has become quite commonplace. Month after month, I peruse my calendar in search of a friend or family member's birthday, anniversary, or monumental achievement. I search all year long for the perfect gift to give at Christmas to those near and dear to me. Sometimes I reevaluate who is on my gift giving list and why I continue to send small tokens of love their way when often they may not deserve it or worse I don't feel like being nice. Never do I plan or purchase a gift with a thought of reciprocal pleasantries. I give gifts because the people in my life are special, their celebrations are special, and I don't take them or their lives for granted. My hope when sending a loved one a gift is that he or she knows that his or her life has meaning and that their accomplishments are significant not only to them but to me and the rest of the world.

Too often, though, we wait for some extraordinary feat before we give away a gift. We get so busy with life that we fail to realize that God gives us a gift every day, and we in turn should share our gifts everyday. John 3:16 tells us that God loved us so much that He gave His most precious gift, Jesus, so that whoever accepted His gift would have a wondrous new life. Then God showed off and gives us a new day every day to celebrate, worship, and pass on the gift of salvation. When Jesus died for our sins, He took captivity(bondages of life) captive and gave gifts to men (mankind). Isn't that awesome? God gave us a gift, and our gift - Jesus gave us even more wonderful gifts that we would share with each other.

Do you realize that your life is a gift to someone else? You were created with special gifts and talents that Jesus put inside you to make someone else's life better. Usually the gift that God put on the inside of you is one that comes so easily out of you that you may not even recognize how special it is or how filled with purpose you are. Some people sing with little effort and it blesses everyone within hearing distance. Others have the gift of helps and encouragement, they make life better and easier for everyone and get great joy out of doing it. Several folks are gifted with faith, they can believe God for the impossible for the lives of those connected to them. Many have a gift of wisdom or knowledge, they have a right word at the right time for the person and it solves problems and answers questions that the person otherwise would not be aware. Dozens of people are gifted with visions and dreams, God has placed ideas in their minds that will deliver nations. These gifts have been given not to benefit the gifted but to take to those who cross our path. There are people that God has assigned to your family, your job, your lifestyle who are in desperate need to receive the blessing of your gift. You don't have to wait until some monumental occasion to touch their lives; you must share your gift today. After all someone's life may be depending on it.

Thousands of people are not even aware that they have a gift. Others deny the gift that God has given them because they desire someone else's gift. They don't think that what they do matters and that life would be more glamorous if they were like somebody else. But the truth is that God said in Jeremiah 29:11 that He knows the thoughts and plans that He has for your life. You were not born with the wrong gift; your life would not be better or easier if you could do what someone else does. God has equipped you to be you and to bare your gift. Just think, you were not created to be an ox. An ox was designed to be an ox that is why it can bare great loads without giving way or breaking its back or giving up before the job is done. If you had to be laden or corralled it would kill you because you were not made to be an ox but you were made with another purpose in mind. So look at your self in the mirror, and decide today to operate within your gift. Make up your mind to share your gift freely with everyone that God brings into your path. If you are not sure what you are called to do, then pray and ask God to reveal to you what your gift is, how He wants you to use it, and that He sends the people onto your path who are waiting to encounter Him through you. Even if you discover that you are not the next greatest whomever, know that you are special because you were created to share the greatest gift of all - the love of Jesus!

Remember you were created to give gifts away. So when you give your gift to others, don't look for anyone to celebrate you for being obedient. Don't expect any applause or a gift in return. Don't be offended or rejected when others don't want your gift. Don't expect everyone to be excited by your gift, after all it has a set purpose and a targeted audience. Don't fear that you are unqualified or incapable of sharing your gift. Think of it as the birthday gift you give to your loved one, you don't think twice about it you just give it in the spirit of love. Be like Jesus give of yourself freely to whoever is willing to receive!