Thursday, July 7, 2011

It's Just a Mirage

For we live by faith, not by sight.

It's been so hot lately I can barely stand to be outside. As the temperatures soar way past uncomfortable, I notice the hot road-water mirages on the surface of the pavement. What we see appears as water on what is in reality dry land. 

These mirages are caused not by any water on the surface, but by warm air immediately above the pavement.  The sunlight beating on the pavement warms the pavement significantly above the air temperature.  The warm pavement in turn warms a layer of air immediately above the pavement.  

This commonly occurs on summer days, when an asphalt road that has been baking in the sun heats the air directly above it, creating a sharp shift in air density levels near the ground. As light passes between the different levels, it bends, creating mirages.

 What we see is actually a result of some of the light that would normally hit the ground actually bend in midair because it moves from the cooler, denser air level into the hotter, less dense air right above the ground. This effect is what we know as a mirage. 

In life as we journey along our God given promises and assignments, sometimes we run into spiritual mirages. As we head toward our Divine destinies, false images appear ahead where the light of the word of God is shining before us and lighting our God declared victories. 

Yet just like natural mirages, a force enters our realm. The enemy tries to squeeze between us and the promises of our King. As God continues to shed light and revelation on our path, the enemy tries to distort our vision by reflecting an image contrary to what God has decreed!  We look around and ahead and things seem like we are losing ground, more problems arise, we question whether we've done something wrong as if these images are true. The devil lies and tells us perhaps it's our fault. We start to think maybe things are going wrong because of something we've done or worse didn't do enough of. But friend I want to tell you that these circumstances are mirages. They are lies manufactured by the enemy to cause you to live your life by what you can see. But God says you must live by faith, the substance and evidence you can't see. Without faith we will make the wrong choices, take the wrong turns, and miss God's plan for us!  

So take the time to slow down, repent for believing that what you see happening in your situation as the truth, and begin to speak and decree what God promised you and your seed. 
Remember if it's not good or God's best, it is merely a mirage!
Be blessed

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Not Guilty

The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.

Today the whole world watched the case of the century, a mother on trial for the murder of her child. Spectators watched the trial, listened to the evidence, pondered witnesses who testified, and decided the judgment of the accused.  When the jury presented their finding, many responded in outrage. How can a "guilty" person go free? 

It doesn't make sense, not naturally. But what hurt my Christian heart was not that Ms. Anthony was found not guilty but that those who claim the love and favor of Christ wanted her condemned. As a born again believer, we should have offered an abundant praise. I don't know whether that poor woman committed the crime, the truth is I don't care. I'm just rejoicing that even still the "accused" can be judged as not guilty. 

Today's trial made me think of the trials that take place in Heaven. We, filthy guilty sinners, are accused before God by Satan as he shouts our faults before the Just Judge. He reminds God that we have faltered and even sometimes we have been caught in the act. He demands justice be served. He pumps his fist in expectation, assured that we must receive the death penalty. However, our advocate, Jesus, objects.  He presents the evidence of His shed blood. He presents expert witnesses, grace, mercy, and the Holy Spirit. After hearing both sides of our cases, our righteous just judge, Father God, rules in our favor, "Not guilty!"

I imagine that Satan, demons, imps, and even human bystanders shake their heads in unbelief. They become angry and even seek vengeance because they believe they know the facts, we were sinners. What they don't know is that God declares, "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy!". It has nothing to do with whether or not we are guilty. It has everything to do with a merciful, loving Savior. 
Before you condemn someone you feel is "guilty" of offending you, remember the mercy God gives you every day He awakens you. 
Be blessed

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Seeing Is Believing

The eyes of the lord are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry;

Lately I have been experiencing eye trouble. I haven't been wearing my glasses regularly, and my vision seems dimmer and blurry. Things that I used to see clearly now are no longer in focus. 

Sometimes we lose our spiritual eyesight. When we begin to look at our circumstances without the lens of the Holy Spirit, the outlook seems dark, hopeless, and blurry. We can't see how things are working together for our good. Nor can we see how God allows the challenges to bump or bruise us. Sometimes we question Jesus' presence or His methods. 

But the scripture reminds us that God "sees." His eyes are watching your every step, and He knows which steps you will stumble over and which ones He will carry you over!  God has not made a mistake, and He will not let anything you see naturally deter you from "seeing" His promise come to pass!
Be blessed!